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Posts posted by Anatoli001

  1. 34 minutes ago, FatherOsbornHD said:

    Robbing banks used to be a thing until Savages brought 20 randoms into a bank vs 3 cops. If someone can come up with realistic terms and rules for a bank robbery, sure!

    uh. "you can only rob the bank if there are at least (insert officer count) officers on"

    Deny them access to be able to start the event unless they meat the specific requirements, that being cop numbers.

  2. Add some way to rob banks, man. Selling drugs and robing people that don't give up their money is awful money making.

    1) Bank robbery

    2) Hit-man job (limited players at a time)

    3) Car thief (Steal players cars and sell them somewhere, the player who was stolen from can get the car back from the impound lot)

    4) maybe make the convenient stores rob-able. (Takes a couple minutes to rob and police are notified that its being robed, if all non-police players are killed in the store, than its over)

    there a lot more but its 8 am and i just woke up.

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