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Posts posted by Lumin

  1. 1 hour ago, SoloSmith said:

    The police are meant to have an advantage - that is why real life works.

    And RP is supposed to be be fun, create interesting scenarios for everybody involved, if you win 99% of the time, it's not fun for me, now is it? 
    Sure, don't do the crime if you can't do the time, but it's a game. Not everyone is cut out for legal or civilian type roleplay.
    I think better option would be, when police car starts a pursuit they type, /pursuit id, based on that, the police car speed gets scaled to match the evading car.
    There would ofcourse be some baseline, so it doesn't get set for faggio speed or similar but for supercars it could be scaled up.  For everyday cars, it's should stay just the gta v normal police car speed.

  2. 2 hours ago, Rajj Sikyhar said:

    But you don't even need the keys to start players cars, whats the difference?

    While we are at it, lets make cop cars mobile weapon dispensaries and why not, armor!
    Why stop there, lets make PD building prime robbing target by enabling / command to steal all guns and drugs from evidence locker.

    Just no dude, people can't be trusted.

  3. 34 minutes ago, flow said:

    Our recruitment works flawless. In fact, it works to such a great extent that it makes sure people who call us racist and lazy during their job interview do not get in. There is nothing wrong with PD recruitment. Thank you.

    Wow. Way to mix IC and OOC. 
    I hold no grudges about getting denied. I stayed true to my IC character, which is emotional and bitchy snowflake who usually says something and regrets it later.
    But if recruitment works fine, then why does getting interview take (3!) days? Other people have said the same, 2-3 days. Who has time to idle in your TS for 3 days straight?
    (not being afk that is)
    It didn't take more then hour, you're telling me during 72 hours PD has hard time finding 1-2 hours to spend properly interviewing applicants? Sorry, that is just lazy.

    48 minutes ago, SoloSmith said:

    There is a very big difference between lesser police numbers because of budget cuts and the political environment, and 0 officers responding to dangerous felony calls. The server isn't 24/7 heavily populated so you cannot expect just one faction to be. PD recruitment is fine, just don't call the entire department racist during your interview ;)

    It doesn't need to be. One cop online is enough to stop a robbery in progress, it doesn't have to be heavily overpowered situation, mere sight of the PD should deter criminals from committing crimes.
    Let's say you attack the intervening cop, your face gets caught in the dash camera and when more cops log in, you have a mission to track the suspects down.

    Guys, I don't want OOC beef, it was just my opinion.

  4. 17 hours ago, SoloSmith said:

     Can't rob a store unless X amount of cops are online otherwise early morning hours will be ridiculous. 

    No, improve your recruitment and faction to cover more timezones. 

    Lack of cops means bad department IRL and boosts crime rates. 

  5. More downtime = less fun.
    People log in to play their characters not sit in imaginary prisons.
    With some tweaking ,perhaps, it could be beneficial (only serious injuries, like losing your entire health in matter of seconds) but otherwise no.

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