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Posts posted by Young

  1. I totally understand how some people (such as yourself) could get annoyed at this sort of thing. However, if the quiz was not implemented, there would be a lot more trolls joining without any intention to RP and therefore would get rid of the community that does want to RP which would lead to a dead server. In terms of you being a new RP player, that should have no difference with you doing the quiz. This roleplay server roleplays real life so just say what you would do in real life and your fine. Finally, I do believe the cooldown system is unnecessary and don't really see a point in it. The only reason I can think it being helpful is to influence the player to go and read the rules but in that case, only 10-15 minutes should be needed. If the cooldown is any longer, I believe it will throw players away from the server instead of bring them back as a better RP player.

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