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Posts posted by Nick_Deo

  1. So people can go and start shooting outside PD HQ, they can fight against cops with pistols without RPing fear at all, becoz its a light RP server but cops can't catch you? LOL

    No, no and no.

    Anyway the jail time is 60 mins max right now and mostly people get 30-45 mins for heaviest crimes, you are not ever able to handle that? In that case, don't provoke cops, don't be stupid to commit crimes in the middle of the road in broad daylight, simple.

  2. Fucking ayyy, you must be the most important player on the server, because if something doesn't fit you it must be changed and you will find any reason you can to back it up.


    LOL, going by Dan's logic, I am sure he's having issues with driving on the right side. they drive on the left in the UK. Should we change that too Sir?

    • Upvote 2
  3. So in a videogame 70mph is ''insane speed'' when roads are almost empty, but in real life 70mph is fine with roads being full....that TOTALLY makes sense..I'm done arguing.

    1. This entire suggestion was about converting units, not changing the current speed limits. Stop diverting the topic.

    2. Since this suggestion was based on "Realism", check out the actual speed limits of California (for LA). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speed_limits_in_the_United_States#Speed_limits


    Where exactly did you see people driving at 70mph within the city legally in real life?

  4. Well I would say that law, that we have in server now (70km/h in the city and 130km/h in the highway) is ridiculous. If here would be 500-1000 players, then it would be ok, but now, I'm cab driver, my customer is 5km from me and keeping spamming /taxi, if I would drive to him at 70km/h, it would take a lot of time, especially when streets are empty, I met one truck driver on the road, that's all, there is nobody on the half ot the town, but I still must drive so slow, also the same in the highways.

    Even if you have 500 players, streets would still be empty. They are meant for the dense traffic of single player gta v. You would need thousands of players to fill all the streets of the map with cars.

    As far as the taxi job is concerned, you have the passenger's name, just PM him telling your distance and ETA. Phone system doesn't exist so using PMs for the same shudn't be an issue. Also, I have suggested something here. Maybe you should check it out.

  5. Look what he posted..and what he's saying on ''Edit:'' ...he's saying that from 65 km/h speed limit should be 65 mp/h speed limit..so why go ahead and read his replies when he already mentioned it in the very start? and i did actually read his replies so...


    He said "the laws are kmph when they should in FACT be in mph."


    Any person with a rational mind would understand that he means to convert it from one unit of measurement to another and when you do that, the number will obviously change, which means 70kmph becomes 43mph.

    Now if you want to change the argument completely, just for the sake of arguing, saying that he meant 70kmph to 70mph, well then be it. We can't have people driving at 112kmph (70mph) in the city. Maybe increasing speed limit from 70kmph to say 90kmph can work. Now you calculate what that turns out in mph for you.

  6. I don't know why there is so much hate torwards this guy, i completely agree with him. What he's saying isn't just change it from KM/H to MP/H, he's saying that the speed limit is 65 km/h which is wrong, the limit is normally is 65 mp/h = 104 km/h, so when you are driving with 80 km/h it's not speeding, it's speeding after 104 km/h. I don't know how else to explain it to you guys, you seem to not really understand and that's sad. Also when people talk about cars and for example say how fast is it from 0-60 we always talk about mp/h, not km/h. I'm greek and in greece it's also km/h but i agree that it should be mp/h. Wake up guys.


    Although you make a sensible argument, nowhere did the founder of this post mention anything the way you have said it. Go and read all his replies till now. You are just trying to build up his case.

    As far as 65=104 goes, we can reduce 65 to 43 so 43mph=70kmph.

    And people talk about 0-60 in your country, fine, but that's not relevant in this game, is it?

  7. There are many things which are way different in real life (including real life of USA and LA to be specific) than the way we do them here, simply because its more practical in this setting. I agree this is an English RP server but since we have players from all countries (including, but not limited to US and UK), I don't see why we should give up laws written in kmph for mph. Most of the people here understand kmph rather than mph, actually most of the world does. It would be like giving up convenience just for realism which doesn't not even contribute much to RP at all.

    We get it, you're British and you love mph but at-least 50% players here don't because the entire world doesn't. And going by your accuracy of realism, The president's name in game has to be Trump. That won't happen.

    • Upvote 1
  8. I suggest that for IC Robberies in game, each player carrying whatever amount of cash with him should be bound to give away all of it, when forced to do so.

    What I mean is, I've often seen on all RP servers I've played on, that when being robbed at gunpoint, players just declare some random fraction amount, of the money that they actually carry and give it to the robber. So if they are carrying a million, they say they got only 10 grand, pay it and leave. This is really non-RP in my opinion. What I suggest is, there should be a frisk like command to check the victim's cash in hand. Eg: '/friskmoney [iD]' which should only work when the victim's hands are up in the air. Upon using /friskmoney, the victim will get a notification to '/accept friskmoney'. When done, the robber gets to know the actual amount of money being carried by the victim.

    This solves two purposes:-

    a) Enhances RP

    b) Makes sure that people keep all their money deposited in the bank. This helps the economy function better and creates some actual use of the banking system for players. When I read the "feature reveal" doc on forums, it said that money gets added to the server on addition of each new player. So, whatever amount gets added should eventually be saved by the player along-with his income, in his bank a/c so that bank actually has enough deposits to lend loans and provide grants to industries. This will help us to take the server to a very realistic and player-based economy in the future.

    Of-course, newbies shouldn't be robbed and a minimum limit for robbing a player, like level 3 or 5 could solve that. To make it a fair game for the victims, the robber shouldn't be allowed to kill the victim if he has paid the money. If that's done, the victim can post a complaint with an SS of the same.

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