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Kevin Biker

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Posts posted by Kevin Biker

    • Kevin_Biker [ID 252]] - Please provide your side of the reported events and any unedited footage you may have from your point of view.
      • Can you please explain your reason behind kidnapping Pacconi_Attrazione?
      • What was the reason for the excessive use of /b in this situation?


    Dwayne pretty much summons everything already as in why we did what we did, but im still gonna answer the 2 questions you had for me. 

    • We are in gang beef with shadows, its an eye for en eye, they kidnapped one of our members prior to that, so the we did the same, we kidnapped one of their members and yea it happend to be Pacconi. Pacconi knows he is doing bad things and he excpect that there is not gonna be any concequenses to his actions? That's not how the criminal life works sadly enough.
    • Because Pacconi can't RP we tell him numoures time to do what we ask him to do since we have the advantage (a gun to his head) and yet he doesn't think that his life is in danger so he just ignores our command every once a while or he just stoppes doing what we asked him to do. that i why i had to take it into the /b chat since IC he doesnt understand what to do i have to explain it to him in OOC chat. 
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