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Posts posted by spectral.nova

  1. +1, I think that would be helpful!

    It might also be worth adding a display on the ATM menu that shows how much money you have in your pockets and bank account so you don't have to close out of it and /stats to check it. As someone who has a very difficult time retaining numbers in their memory for more than like 5 seconds, I feel like it might be useful when trying to make a deposit/withdraw! Not sure if it would be redundant with the implementation of "deposit all", but might be worth a shot if it's not too difficult to add and if other people think it might be useful 🙂


    15 minutes ago, Quietthecutie said:

    i think thats exactly why this isnt a thing. from a gameplay perspective, if you could clear all your guys from a shootout with 1 5 door vehicle, that may be kind of imbalanced.

    I can definitely see your point with that now that you mention it. Do you think it would maybe make it better if you could only use that feature for one person per car? (Meaning there could only be one injured person in a regular civilian vehicle at a time). 

  3. +1 

    I'm all for adding accessibility features! 🙂 Also, this would be helpful for people on the server in general since the notification sound is pretty easy to miss, especially if there's a lot of people talking around you. 

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  4. Hello,
    I’d like to suggest a change in the wording of the Offensive Language, Sexual, Torture, or Disgusting Roleplay of Rule #7 found under General Rules. Currently, the rule reads as follows:



    Players are only allowed to engage in sexual, torture, or disgusting roleplay if all players involved including witnesses give prior OOC consent. Such roleplay should therefore not be held in public areas or areas where players commonly visit, e.g., prison/jail.

    Usage of ethnic and/or LGBT+ related slurs is considered disgusting roleplay and all parties involved must give prior OOC consent before it can be done. In addition, it must make roleplay sense for your character to want to use any racial slurs In Character.

    Racism Out-of-Character is strictly forbidden. 

    Players using offensive language excessively In-Character through text or VOIP must stop if a player asks for it Out-of-Character. Players are not permitted to use offensive language Out-of-Character to others.


    I would like to focus here primarily on the second paragraph. The main issue that I have with this rule as it’s currently written is the level of specificity it requires for it to count. Though it’s important that ethnic and/or LGBT+ related slurs are considered disgusting roleplay and require prior consent, there are many other forms of discriminatory language that I feel this rule should also apply to. 

    I think it would be better to have more of an umbrella statement against IC hate speech as a whole for situations without the OOC consent of everyone involved. This would help to avoid many very uncomfortable situations that impact the mental wellbeing of many members of our community on an OOC level. 

    I don’t feel like sexist, homophobic, transphobic, racist, ableist, etc. comments are appropriate to make, even IC, without the explicit prior consent from everyone in the area. I also feel like the part about it needing to make RP sense for your character to want to use a racial slur IC should be broadened for the same reasons stated above. Regardless of it being in character or not, a lot of the time these comments are made in a way that adds little to no value to the roleplay and are just used as a cop-out for creative insults by just resorting to harmful stereotypes and prejudice. (And a lot of the time, it feels like the people making these comments likely feel the same way OOC which makes these situations extra uncomfortable/upsetting)

    I understand that some may argue that these types of comments exist in the real world, but the thing is… RP isn’t the real world. This server is a place myself and many other people go as a form of escapism; I, and many others, don’t need to be constantly confronted with the same kind of oppression and hateful comments we do in the real world here. 

    There have been countless times where really offensive prejudiced comments have been made towards myself and others around me and I’ve felt entirely helpless in doing anything to stop it. At the end of the day, I just want this community to feel safer and more welcoming for everyone, which I don’t believe is fully possible with the rules worded as-is.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this suggestion and I hope you’ll at the very least give it some thought and consideration.

    TLDR: I think the rule on offensive language and disgusting roleplay should be reworded to be less specific so it can apply to more types of hate speech other than just specific slurs. Right now, it leaves room for too much homophobia, transphobia, sexism, racism, ableism, etc. without requiring any form of prior OOC consent from all parties involved.

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