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Posts posted by semslash

  1. I asked many admins if there is any command that allows me to clear all my /BindRadio freqs, the answer was no, because when I try to switch to a weapon while my character is running it switches freqs (Shift + 1/2...)

    If only there's a command to clear all radio freq /clearbindradio or something like that would help.

  2. Date and time (provide timezone):  28-04-2023  about 15:01 GMT+1

    Character name: semslash

    Issue/bug you are reporting:  I donated 10$ for 1k credits on the panel and I didn't received them

    Expected behavior:  N/A

    Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: I'm willing to provide any kind of evidence in Private Message

    Vehicle license plate number*: N/A

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