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Posts posted by Rickard_Wilde

  1. +1

    To add context to this, an MC like the Lost have a culture surrounding their markings and patches that make it blatantly obvious to anyone from that culture if it is authentic. Every Kutte has markings that denote specific things about the wearer, what they have done and what they have earned. Kuttes are simple leather or denim vests you could buy even on Amazon, but the patching, knowing where to put them, the proper Rockers, all of it is not something you could just buy off a rack.

    For those that have military or pd experience, its glaringly obvious when stolen valour is at play. I once had someone tell me they were a Canadian Marine (We dont have Marines).

    One of the issues we often have IC is that anyone can buy our colours then go on a rampage to damage our reputations with SD / PD / Other Crim groups. It happens routinely enough that it is part of some crim groups order of battle to throw on our colours and hang out in our homes to ambush our friends/suppliers or other members when they log in.

  2. +1

    The boost cycle created a benefit for larger and well organized groups to interact with smaller orgs, collaborate on their effort, and pay better than the street dealers could to smaller crim groups. Until it was removed, I had assumed this was by design as it motivated people to interact in the crim world. There is now no incentive to go to a player organization rather than selling to the nearest NPC dealer. Erasing this feature with no replacement has simply erased that meta and interaction. The way it was done was quite the rug pull too, with it being gone overnight leaving bagholders hanging.

    I dont particularly mind that the influence for the items were increased, as it shifted focus from turf maintenance to rp. Any step in that regard is a positive one in my estimation, I would just strongly encourage another firm look into the pricing of resources.

    I will also use this as an opportunity to say again that it is very weird that the norm here is for PD / Legals to have exponentially more money than crims in general. Having worked as a LEO before joining the military I can tell you this is absolutely not reflective of reality in any way outside of those living in abject poverty who cant even manage their own wellbeing, which does not represent any of the PC or Crim players I've run into... Maybe the Bathshebas. 🙂

    I would encourage a stronger look at earning potential for crims in general.

  3. For reference, it is getting worse as shown here @ 0225 UTC; https://imgur.com/u1c16ZT

    https://imgur.com/u1c16ZTRockford hills is up to 111.12 Influence showing of a maximum 100. Lost MC controls 100%, Rooks control 11.12%. They still have positive shipment power and generation, and no amount of packed dropped reduces Rooks control. Their decay has also ceased.

    This is not how any other turfs work, reference Scrapyard and Great Chapperal. The Influence represents a % of control you have over the turf, and that % of the turf's maximum shipment power is what you have available for use. It is not normal to have influence above 100%, nor having it immune to interference as this turf is.

    As shown in the link, in spite of 100% Lost control, the turf gives the owner 7.23 shipment power to work with.

  4. image.thumb.webp.f24eefef7ae5dc249e1418841f97d544.webp


    For easier reference, this is a recurring issue seen only with Rockford Hills. Note 20 Dec, 24 Dec, and 25 Dec. On each of these days, Lost controls 100% of the territory. Yet, Rooks also control an unassailable percentage above 100% due to the influence issue at question. On 20 Dec, 1.08% is retained, providing shipping weight and max weight even though Lost has 100% control. No amount of extra packs affect the calculation. On these days, the decay was enough to simply shrug and wait 11 hours for the decay to reduce the owner's control to 0.


    24 Dec, the .9% unassailable control only took 9 hours to decay. But today's 7.1% retained above the 100% influence cannot be influenced by any amount of drops and will take 71 hours to decay. This leaves the shipping weight as shown in the attached evidence, still generating usable weight.


    This isnt a capture issue, this is the influence effect of drops not being properly calculated. As in the initial post.

  5. Thank you for weighing in Suken, I'm afraid you misunderstand what is at issue.

    There is no attempt to take over the Core turf, that is not the issue. The issue is that the calculated influence as shown on this turf exceeds the maximum 100. As you can see in the provided evidence, 107.1% influence is accounted for on the turf. Lost controls 100%, the Rooks control 7.1%.

    What is being attempted is to squash the Shipping weight the core turf provides. If resolved properly, this turf would have a Max Weight of 0, as Rooks have no control over the Core Turf. This usually resolves correctly, but something is wrong with Rockford Hills influence calculation as during the last drop, no points were deducted from Rooks and the last 7% of control has become unassailable.

    Reference the Shipping Weight and Influence sections in the evidence provided. This is not how this should resolve. I can provide a spreadsheet as I already have to FM. Thank you.

  6. Date and time (provide timezone): 1700 UTC

    Character name: Rickard Wilde

    Issue/bug you are reporting: Rockford Hills dealer not resolving influence correctly. This is the fourth occurrence of this type I have personally experienced only with this dealer.

    Expected behavior:  Dropped 6 packs of 3500$ packed cash denoting more than 9 points of influence to be taken. Lost MC influence was at 91%, Rooks at 7.1% before drop. After drop, it is as shown. Continues to provide shipment power and influence points in spite of having no control. Two additional packs were dropped to no effect. Previous times this dealer only protected around 1 to 2 % of Rooks influence so we simply allowed it to decay, but theres something wrong with their influence calculation.

    Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: https://imgur.com/Qxcb1QU

    Vehicle license plate number*: N/A


  7. Hi there,

    During my play session today a few things happened that dont add up finances-wise. At start of play I had just over 200k. I bought a Daemon bike for around 25k, and made a license payment to the govt for 30k seen here;


    Prior to paying this license fee I was told to pull the cost of the licenses out of the Treasury of the Lost. I did so, we can see this in the faction logs.


    But after these three transactions we see the following;


    Just under $150k, which only makes sense if the faction payment did not go through. Could I kindly ask for a review of my bank account? I'm certain this money poofed cause there was no other large purchases made today other than gas.

    Thank you!




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