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Posts posted by KingOfBanbury






    Just to let you know this is an idea in works! I would like to know your thoughts before continuing this further!


    Where the Idea Come From?


    The REAPERS MC was an idea in which I started off in a small GTA V RP community on PS4! I was the founder and president for 6 weeks before I had to step down for personal reasons irl. I loved the power and RP which came behind it and I love writing the stories and meeting new player who are also interested in the same idea! Talking to some people in the TS (Mints, Valkyrie,ViolentPro and honeybear), I understand that Iam not the first person to come up with the idea but I really love the RP behind it and also just want to get back into the MC life.




    RP SIDE!!


    Club Histroy


    Story Told By: James [Jimmy] Burbidge[Current Character]


    My story starts in 1993 at the age of 16, I was a young boy wanting to join the life of crime. Living in Paleto Bay nothing big happens in small town up north. Until I saw the Lost MC come cruising through town. The roar of their Western Daemons and Hexers my mind hypnotised with thoughts about bikes and Motorcycle clubs. I sold my first car to buy what I thought would be my bike for life! Once I put on my helmet and rode it down the Great Ocean Highway, I knew this was the life for me. Me and my friends thought about setting up a club just like the Lost MC but we would be stricter and very restrictive. I had my first church at the head of the table with an open mind. We still had no club name, at the moment are club house was a small garage with only 3 of us.


    Many weeks passed without having a name. When suddenly when driving past the Paleto Bay church it clicked like a broken clock! The Reaper is a sign of death. Therefore, if we were rejected by the Reaper we would never die, or that’s what I thought! I pitched to the guys at the next church and they loved it! We set into practise the name and as soon as we did that… trouble started!




    The Lost MC had caught up with are planning and started to push more people to reinforce the Paleto Bay area. We thought it as nothing at first… until my VP, John Maxwell we taken and slaughtered for no reason! His own fucking mother found he dumped on her doorstep at 4:00am, 15th August 1995. This sparked a light which now I realise was the reason I’m alone now! At the next church, we talked about retaliation for the death of John. We voted it in and we prepared for war!


    10th October 1995


    We had planned this since August and now we have the fire power. The plan was to take on the Paleto Bay Lost MC where it hurts. Their club house! We got onto are bikes and decided to move out down towards the club house at Hookies. We waited over the road from Hookies, with are patches not on. We were waiting for the right moment to strike. We were planning to strike when they were having their church. Take out the whole charter in one go!


    We were not waiting long until we saw the doors close. It was time to move! I looked over at my Sgt. At Arms (Billy James) and my two right hand men, Andy Pesto and Peter McGrill. We were heavily armed with Ak-47s and pistols. Andy and Peter moved up on the front while myself and Billy took the back door. On the phone, I was counting down from 10. 10, 9,8,7,6,5,4,3… 2…1…0. The doors burst open and before you knew it bodies hit the ground as if it was a bass drop! All I was thinking about was John. He was my best friend! And these pricks got what was needed! It was a straight line of gun fire. 30 seconds had past and it was over! The whole room looked like a blood bath. Blood was all over the walls, the table, myself and the guys! I wanted to make sure the President was dead. I went to the head of the table, saw his face, pulled my pistol and unloaded on him. 10 shots to the chest and 1 to head.


    Sirens were sounding! It was time to bail, but it was too late! Troopers were surrounding the building. There was only one option. All of us reloaded for a second time and got ready for round two! The guys and I started to opened fire, only to realise there were WAY TOO MANY!! Within seconds, Andy took two bullets to the chest and Peter took one to the leg. We tried to retreat to room but were forced to move to the side. Peter said he would cover us as we made a run for it. He kept to his word. Peter was the hero of that day. Saving myself and Billy.


    1996 January


    3 months since the massive blood bath at Hookies. The Reapers Rejects, were looking low. Billy and myself were the only the two members. We tried recruiting more but no one had the balls! We got told about the death of Andy and Peter getting jail time of 50 years and maybe death sentence!


    1996 30th January


    It was our weekly church. It was still myself and Billy standing strong. We sat down. Started talking about news and what we could do to boast are numbers and quick! While we talked about, the door came bashing down! Police starting flooding the room like a swam of locusts. They put Billy and I in handcuffs and pushed us out into police cars. Later that night. Around 11:00pm, I was brought in for interview. I was very scared and worried but stayed strong to the club! I didn’t snitch! They knew everything about us! John’s death. Andy… Peter. I was fucked. I saw Billy go in for questioning and he defended my ass! He told the police it was all his plan and I had nothing to do with it.


    The next day me and Billy got officially charged. Billy got 9 counts of Murder, Possession of Illegal firearm and Grievously bodily harm. I only got one count of murder and possession of firearm with intend to kill. Overall, Billy got life in prison and I only got 20 years. Parole in 15.


    2011 17th July


    Looking back at the life I started. It was a good started but I managed it wrong and if I was to start again in a few years when my heat calms down. I could become the best President in the whole of San Andreas!




    Club Info!










    As I said this is just an idea if you would want me to continue on this idea then please comment on your thoughts and I would love to hear them!

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