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Oliver Dutch

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Posts posted by Oliver Dutch

  1. Anyone who's in a faction with property that has locking doors knows the struggle of running and then accidentally tackling the door, or worse 5 people doing it all at once. Because E is the default for unlocking/locking doors and if you want to run fast you're holding shift, I think it would be beneficial to alter the key combo to tackle from Shift + E to another key like F  thats still in close proximity but as far as I'm aware does doesn't have any interactions that would take place while holding Shift or if they do less often then when running through a building.


    TLDR: Make tackling Shift + R/F/V/G etc, rather than Shift + E to stop tackling doors.

  2. 9 minutes ago, Cup said:

    Troll tackling, and the ability to basically permanently keep a person on the ground with no way for them to really do anything about it. But again like you said I don't necessarily feel like this falls under DM and is more NRP. 


    DM already covers if they tackle you with no escalation and then use that to stomp on you or something like that.

    I don't disagree about it being covered by something like NRP, I guess I shouldn't have mentioned DM specifically, I just did that because thats what speaks more about escalation, honestly I just think it should be clarified that its covered under some rule as my understanding of it now is that it's not at all. Whether that be NRP or DM or another rule, this suggestion is more about ensuring it is covered, again I should have been more clear about that and not said DM specifically.

  3. I initially thought it was covered, but it was explained to me that currently using Shift + E to tackle someone does not require any escalation whatsoever. Given the impacts it has on characters, I think it only makes sense that it be treated as any other physical assault or violence and require escalation in order to do so. People are constantly tackling people and knocking them down, and while I understand it maybe fun, its not at all realistic. I think adding this to the current DM rule or atleast clarifying that it falls under this rule would be incredibly beneficial and prevent all the unnecessary and frankly annoying excessive tackling that is occurring without any real reason.



    UPDATE on 12/28/23 after feedback I wanted to clarify that the suggestion for it to be covered under DM was just because thats what speaks to escalation for situations, but I understand it maybe better covered under other rules like NRP, I just think clarifying it to be covered under a rule as it isn't right now would be helpful.

  4. Apologies if this has been brought up before in a forum post, but not being able to tow boats is a really big issue. I understand why they didn't implement a tow truck for cars as people would just constantly steal them, but having the ability to tow boats would be amazing. There would be a lot more opportunities to use them as well if we were just able to tow them and not have to sail them everywhere.

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