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Jamahl Marion

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Posts posted by Jamahl Marion

  1. This is really a rant/vent thread about something I came across today so if that's not something you wanna read, you know where the back button is.


    As some of you may have picked up in the server, there are some players who generally involve their car windows in roleplay. If you didn't know I'll explain what it generally involves. It usually involves a player saying "/do Windows are up, can't hear you.". In all honesty, it's decent RP and it's something I do sometimes to filter out the idiots who want my attention because they're about to rob me or ask me for money/help. However, one thing that ticked me off when a player did this to me was when they expected me to know that their windows are up.


    I wanted to speak to someone, specifically a cop, but he replied with the above example I've provided and proceeds to berate me afterwards of my "lack of RP knowledge". Perhaps it would have been valid if he had drove by and said in /do that his windows were up in the first place. In mine and anyone else's defence to those who come across people milking the shit outta that one-liner /do, you pretty much can hear people outside your car windows so don't treat them like they're crazy or non-RP players.

  2. Yeah there is a risk of a jail sentence, though why would anyone who hasn't broken the law evade the police? it literally both IRL and in game makes no sense, oh I've not broken the law but fuck RPing for a few minutes that shits scary.... if you've broken the law or have an RP reason, evade, if you do not have an RP reason and you are just technically a normal civ at that point, just RP it? If you think it's acceptable to drive around constantly at 140Km/h in a truck in the center of a city then yeah, I don't think we will ever agree.


    I joined the server to RP, not to speed around constantly evading police for the smallest reasons or just for the luls of a police chase.. the only times I've ever evaded police was having offended therefore being stopped = jail time.


    I'm gonna restate what I've asked people before when they say we should need to stop for police, why would you join an RP server, to avoid situations of RP especially when its government workers and you have no reason to run other than you want to not your character.

    If you're pulled over by the police, you've broken the law. Police don't pull you over when you haven't. I think you mean if you haven't committed a felony. If someone's been pulled over because they've committed a traffic misdemeanour, then they're most likely going to be issued a citation. Some people don't wanna pay it so they say fuck it and evade. To say that they're skipping RP is incorrect, a pursuit is an IC RP situation. Just because it doesn't involve IC conversations and /me's and /do's doesn't warrant it a non-RP situation.

  3. At least that's how I understood it, it won't really restrict players from anything, just will stop people from speeding away just because they want some high speed chases.


    Sounds like restricting RP choices to me. If a player wants to try evade the police, let 'em. If they get caught they probably won't do it again.

  4. Stopping for police is forcing them into situations? wat? if the police have a reason to pull you over you clearly "forced" it onto yourself, cops aren't just gonna smash your rear car lights and be like oh well well well what we got here


    No, I meant if you're going to restrict players to always pullover if they don't have a reason to evade then that's restricting roleplay.


    And you can hang out with friends, how hard is it to have an RP reason? weirdly enough ramming 6/7 motorbikes into the PD which happened a few days ago isn't really an RP reason to be in a big group, or a few days before that ramming trucks into the car market to blow up cars and then blocking off the roads with more than 10+ people that's not really RP that's just being a cunt.


    I would've collected evidence and posted an FC if I witnessed that situation. I understand in that circumstance but that shouldn't result in restricting people to have a certain amount of people in a group.


    Players should have the option to speed, however I feel the penalty should be higher if you are using a job vehicle, I know it is already higher but it needs to be even moreso as it's insane seeing postal trucks just flying around corners or people driving on the wrong side of the road just to get to somewhere quicker.... none of this is forcing anyone to RP, it's just forcing people to stop treating it like GTA:O that's not what an RP server is for, there are tons of freeroam servers they can spawn a car on and fuck around in.


    I agree the penalty should be higher and I understand what you mean, it can be frustrating sometimes seeing everyone flying around the server. I hope it improves soon.

  5. I fully agree, couple of times tried to roleplay with some people and they were like "Fuck off...", "Ah let's go, it's just a typical moron". Just ignored me and drove off doing their own buisness.


    If this happened, it should warrant me the right to shoot them.

    • Upvote 1
  6. So, I've been taking a backseat and kinda watching the discord/forums for about a week now and noticed that like I said would happen people are slowly getting frustrated by the low quality RP and how much there is, and some people are also getting frustrated with the lack of english in the server for example fresh off the press of the PD is this little gem



    This is one of many situations and one of the few someone actually reported I bet, most just get angry in discord. Many people have debated a whitelist on discord for a long time, and me and a few people currently on discord are curious to see how many would want such a server, a whitelisted server means heavier vetting on newcomers and will force many issues to be resolved before they start such as a language barrier, if you force them to come onto discord voip for a basic conversation something as easy as that that would take maybe a minute tops.


    I agree there should be a language test before new players join. Right now, not a day goes by when I see a new player use emojis or confuse OOC chat with IC chat and it's incredibly frustrating.


    1. There should be a perma ban for anyone unable to speak english on request by admin in game if someone reports them for being unable to RP properly (negated by a white list I understand but a decent addition for pre-whitelist).


    Strongly agree. I would expect the same treatment if I were to join a Russian or German server. How can we communicate with players who do not speak the same language? Communication is key for all multiplayer games.


    2. You HAVE to stop for police unless you have a valid RP reason to like a warrant or a weapon without a license or you mugging someone for example.


    This is a terrible idea. Like MrPancakers said, this is forcing players into situations. That's not what RP servers should be doing.


    3. You should be unable to roam in groups bigger than 6/7 without a valid RP reason as well (remember the massive server shitshow where all those people were going around continually mugging).


    Again, forcing players into RP situations they choose not to be in. If they got IC friends, let them hang out together.


    There's too much chaos going on for supposed "civilians" if you are driving a truck at 100/110 Km/h through a city? How's that doing any sort of RP, smashing into cars then driving off like nothing happened even after flying through your windshield? how's that RP?


    The only thing I agree with you here is players not flying through their windscreens (not RPing car crashes, generally speaking). However, players should have the choice of speeding through the city. The lack of police presence is the problem. If you see someone speeding, call the police.

    • Upvote 1
  7. I agree with this. If I want to RP with someone, they should RP back. After all this is a multiplayer roleplay server. If people can't grasp those things then I suggest they find somewhere else to play. This rule just safeguards people who bitch and moan about being involved in RP that doesn't go their way.

  8. I think the issue is there isn't enough to do in IC jail. Then again, prison is supposed to be boring that's how it is IRL. An alternative suggestion to this would be to provide more to do in IC jail (eg. gym, outdoor yard, cafeteria)

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