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Posts posted by KwaaiNaai

  1. Rules still apply in prison as they do outside specially death matching and to my knowledge robbery. 

    Player Theft

    Robberies should be conducted in a realistic manner with a reasonable in-character motive. Location, time of day, and realistic population should all be considered prior to a robbery. Players should not conduct minor robberies in situations with high risk. Players should consider the risk vs reward of the robbery and utilize secluded areas where necessary to avoid witnesses. 


    Please beware I am not making a ruling on this at all , but just sharing my 2cents. I forgot if there is CCTV in laundry room , which I personally think there should be if there aren’t, it could apply to the robbery rule, you wouldn’t just blatantly rob someone in-front of the CCTV camera. If there were CCTV cameras in there then the rules would force the player to have proper motive and RP to do something more than just bait you into fighting them by stealing your laundry.  

    That’s sort of my 2 cents as a work around

    but of-course in another sense and some of y’all gonna hate me for this but jail is jail and you never win when you go to jail. So earning 45k to 70k doing laundry and picking up trash is super over kill and this shouldn’t be a motivation to go to jail. There should be high risk vs reward and it believe it shouldn’t be that easy but hell I understand , ITS NICE!

    but I do agree there should be more RP and motive when it comes to the issue mentioned by OP. 


  2. At the moment the camp fire is the only way but I like the idea of having different ways too cook meats. So like you said a bbq and even a stove top in the house. would be an awesome implementation. Could just see it now in a social setting.


    /me grabs some meat and places it on the bbq,

    /me turns the meat

    /do you would hear a sizzling sound. +1 

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  3. Get your radio call outs before you get caught and shout “scrambled eggs” so that everyone knows you been caught !!


    so just my 2 cents and I may be repeating what some of y’all have already said…

    I think the rule is ok …. I think without the rule , it makes the game a more win or lose game where we should be looking for immersion and RP. 

    cops got you at gun point and you call your crew over the radio, they come kill cops and you win……. Or you don’t get caught in the first place and you win. 

    where as the cops lose every time until you are in jail. 

    I think the radio rule would be abused if it was taken away. But think about someone robbing another person. 

    I got robbed in the hunting grounds the other day by a “New player Tagged” person. I could of talked over the radio while he was robbing me and had people assist me in a matter of minutes. But I didn’t as I feel the RP should go on. Hell I even /o to him to help him rob me as he was apologetic because he didn’t know what to do he just found a gun and came up and pointed at me. 

    that might be a weak example but yea there many opportunities for the rule to be abused 


    anyways my two cents ! 



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