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Posts posted by ColonelKabobz

  1. Ezekiel Rune

    November 25th, 2000 was the day Ezekiel Rune was born. Born in New Orleans, his parents swiftly moved him back to Monaco where they were raised under the rigorous traditions of their homeland. Ezekiel always admired the police department of his home land. He spent hours everyday watching videos online of the police doing their job. After completing his criminal justice bachelors by the age of 18, he joined the Monaco Police Academy. He swiftly worked his way up the ranks. On February 20th of 2021, Zeke married the love of his life, Isabella. The two had a son together one year later. They had met in college and fell in love instantly. Ezekiel's love for his wife knew no boundaries. His life was dedicated to being the best husband possible, and an even batter father to his son Jeremiah. On November 25th of 2022, Ezekiel was promoted to Detective In Charge of Robbery & Homicide. He continued in this field for another 6 months. Happily doing his work, he went on patrols every night. One night, he was given a call with his partner Matthew beside him. They crept closer and closer to the call they were given. Zeke was worried upon entering his own neighborhood. By the time he had reached the call with his sirens blaring, he was at his own home. Zeke ran inside to find horrors inside. He found his wife pinned the wall, completely gutted. He broke down immediately, then realized his son was in his crib. He ran to his son, only to find Jeremiah missing. Zeke went from having everything, to losing it all.


    He then spent the next 6 months trying to solve his family case. He spent day and night on it, slowly losing his mind. With no leads or anyway to know how his family was torn, the case was closed. Ezekiel left the Monaco Police Department and moved away from Monaco. Given his birthplace, he had the freedom to move to the United States freely and pursue a new beginning. He moved to San Andreas, attaining a job at Bayview to earn money...but also experience. He yearns to join the LSPD and ensure that no family has to go through what his did.


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  2. Hey so my suggestion is pretty simple. There is no reason why fisherman, mechanics, and all those jobs cannot coexist in one place or have fun. I think personally that brining the community together will really enliven people. With that being said, everyone fishes at the pier. Why not just give a small pond at LSC or bayview that people can fish at. Mechanics can mechanic (repair cars), fisherman can fish, DCC can hangout waiting for calls. Everyone will do their jobs while socializing. There is no salary farming so long as people do their work when it comes in. Furthermore, LSC could gain traction from this just because people will hangout there more to fish and do other leisurely activities. Why did people pick the pier to fish? It is a large space that people can use a rod at. Put that where other communities coexist, and the legal role-play will boom cause everyone will be together. Everyone can hangout, there is no reason why people cannot coexist in one area while working. You can structure it in a way to where it makes sense on an RP level, it would take time and map mods but the payout would be large. People go on the server to be with other people, not do grind out random money. The whole point is to interact with others. This would affect mainly legal sides. Drop a +1 or -1 based on your personal opinions. It does not have to be LSC or bayview, just a suggestion but it could be worthwhile to let people have a place where everyone consistently goes to in order to meet new people. Right now, its scattered. Bayview, and LSC are alone. Burgershot people and fisherman are solo. You could add a pong near the burgershot ledge by the parking for people to fish at, to merge that community. You could merge fishing with LSC and add a pond there. This way, itll be less scattered. Instead of pier, DCC, LSC, bayview, and burgershot being all their own places....this could lessen into 2-3 places and the communities could flourish together.

  3. Date and time (provide timezone): Now

    Character name: Kai Dukono

    Issue/bug you are reporting: No /delvehicle command 

    Expected behavior:  Working at LSC and maybe other jobs , there is no /delvehicle command. We have to clock in and out for our vehicles to go away. I know there is no /createunit because that is not how it works but /delvehicle should be able to work in my opinion. At LSEMS /delambulance is always used, clocking in and out is not optimal at LSC! Thanks for reading.

    Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: N/A

  4. The Hand:

    Richard got out of jail and immediately phoned Ally Jean. He called her and she responded. She gave away that she was building a home for someone at Alta, and that she was buying furniture. Richard ran to rally the troops. Beckie and Oliver quickly came. They bought weapons, and ambushed her at the weapon store. Pinning an axe to her neck, Richard dragged her into the warrener. The 3 Babbage's took her to a spot near the beach. Richard beat her a bit, and proposed. He said they would be married, she would be cleansed of Flarg. Oliver and Becki would marry the same night. The began the rituals. Richard began cutting parts of her. He then forced her to rub her face in parts of the dead body that their lord Cernunnos left at the scene. They rubbed a bloody hand on her, forcing her to drip the blood of the hand into her own skin. Shortly after the cops came...


    Richard quickly ran to the warrener. They tried making an escape. Ally got into the warrener, and Richard drove off with her. Beckie and Oliver got caught immediately. Richard pinned the axe to her neck as the cops came on them. He got out with the axe around her. Negotiations lasted an hour alone. The cops all raised their hands, stating they would not charge Richard or his family. Richard agreed and decided to let Ally go, in exchange for his siblings. The siblings were uncuffed. Richard let Ally go, and cops immediately chased the Babbage's. Oliver and Becki got caught instantly. Richard managed to hide in a bush. He was hidden for 15 minutes, when Coral's cruiser accidently slid down the hill and hit Richard out of the bush. Richard went flying, and they caught the Celestial Sage.


    Big thanks to Zero Hunter, Coral Lafleur, Ally Jean, Oliver & Becki Babbage for their hand in this amazing role-play. It was an amazing kidnapping scene, which lasted 2 hours. Once again, do not meta any of this information and have a good time role-playing on Eclipse.

    image.png?ex=657a8c27&is=65681727&hm=38e1c5b88958aa09a03933eb58bf23abe51decc8d280b020247d55c18ec67b6c&          image.png?ex=657a8ce3&is=656817e3&hm=ffebe04f808370c836845dcecc468ceef40555d1713532efdb37410e51f714af&


    The use of any of this information on an IC level will be considered metagaming. I appreciate everyone who is excited for this faction, as we are all VERY excited as well. If anyone does wish to have a Babbage character, feel free to PM itsmirage_ on discord and we can discuss. Your character must fit our lore, and you MUST meet us ICly with your Babbage as we will be upholding high standards of role-play. Try to have at least 6k experience on your other character first as we wanna make sure you RP properly to the server standards. If you wish to make a character and have them become a Babbage at a later date, then you must first meet us ICly and progress through us on an IC level. 

    • Like 1
  6. The Labor:

    When chaos ensued in the city, Richard's impulsive slap triggered a chase to the top of the Red Parking structure. There, Richard skillfully used his axe to relieve their pursuer of his firearm, marking the beginning of their wild exploits. While exploring, Tommy and Richie stumbled upon two men planting in a chili field. With guns in hand, they compelled the duo to intensify their efforts, claiming the proceeds for themselves. This daring act set the stage for more outrageous adventures in the unpredictable realm of San Andreas.



  7. Ranking Structure: 

    Initiate - A new prospect of the congregation. Must prove themselves but conducting several rituals. Failure to complete these rituals will result in DEATH.

    Submissive Missionary - Low ranking member that spreads the message of Cernunnos. This rank is for those who have completed their trials, but must still prove their worth.

    Core Missionary - Follower who has proved their worth and become a middle ranking missionary.

    Trusted Missionary - A fully pledged member who has proved to be able to lead the missionaries in action.

    Sin Caster - A member whose mission is to focus on expunging sins, focusing on spreading the word of Cernunnos and ending those in doubt. Those who uphold this rank are set to be leaders of the congregation some day.

    Wizard of Blight - Cernunnos has given the Wizard of Blight the ability to shift the tides, increase growth, and cause famine. This rank is for those who are considered SUPERNATURAL.

    Apostle - Commands all below. Has the ability to execute order 112 (more info soon). Upon advancement, the apostle can go on to becoming either the sage or the guardian. There will be 1 of each, with 2 apostles at a time maximum.

    Sage of Darkness - Leads those trapped in the darkness. Commands the disbelievers into believing.

    Guardian of Light - Leads those who are in the light, further towards it and into the arms of Cernunnos.

    Moonlight Menace - Second in command.

    Celestial Sage - Ooga booga king, needs no introduction. 


    • Like 2
    • yooo 1
  8. DJjqF50.png

    It all began at the laboratory. Richard Babbage’s father sold him off to a laboratory when he was only a few days old. Oliver Babbage’s mother did the same. The two met in the Vice City Laboratory of Mystical Sciences. Becoming like brothers, they decided to finally escape one day. Together, they took a woman hostage and used her as leverage to make their daring escape. The massacred every single person residing in the lab. Upon exiting the lab, they met a man named Tommy Buchanan at a restaurant. Richard witnessed him eating a sandwich with his feet, while sticking French fries into his nasal and otic regions. Richard instantly took him in, teaching him the ways of Cernunnos. Richard, Oliver, and Tommy all went into the depths of the Tongass National Forest. There, communication with Cernunnos was insurmountable. The 3 learned so much from Cernunnos. Their hero taugth them that they may only communicate with him upon converging in a forest. Cernunnos told them that they MUST move to San Andreas and construct a fortress in his name within the largest forest seen. They must pray in it, and worship him in it. Cernunnos told them to shut down ALL flarg activities. Cernunnos told them that people will treat them differently, and his prediction was correct. Now, they must communicate with him in the depths of the darkest forest in San Andreas. Cernunnos commanded that their kill their parents, for their sins. They followed this commandment, eradicating their parents for sending them to the labratory. Now, they now ensure that the world will be cleansed of all ugly disbeliever people. They spread the name of Cernunnos to ensure their hero remains at peace. Cernunnos saved them from the lab. Now they must save Cernunnos from ugly people by going on their mission.


    Rob Ronnie Bathsheba

    Open the fortress of Cernunnos

    Eradicate Flarg followers

    Marry Richard off to Ally Jean


    Mission Statement:

    We are ooga. We are booga. We unite under the umbrella of our lord and will eradicate those who fall short of our reign. We will prevail and Flarg will fail!



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  9. The Church

    Richard was taken to The Church from DOC. He met Scoobie Bathsheba, after searching for days. However, the circumstances were bad. Scoobie was upset that Richard took Ally. They tied him up and expelled the boofa within Richard. They began cutting his chest, and chanting "Hail Flarg". Richard began making a deep voice, as the boofa within him was enraged. The inner Richard tried speaking up but it did not work. They first exorcism failed. They went in for another. Richard spoke up, telling them to encircle him. They yelled Flarg's name. The boofa was slowly expelling itself from Richard's body. Scoobie said that Richard must obtain $100k within 2 weeks if he wishes to become a Bathsheba. Richard accepted the challenge, not knowing that boofa was resting inside him.


  10. The Adventure

    Richard decides to finally go after his one true love. He asked a police officer for money to buy a hunting knife. The officer gave him $15k for it, to which he bought an axe. He rank to Weazel to confront his one true love. He put an axe around her, going on a magical adventure in a Weazel car. They drove, and Ally began taping the conversation to write a story about Richard. Richard proceeded with telling his story, but cops quickly found them. Richard threw her aside, taking the wheel for himself. He crashed, getting arrested and being locked up. After getting caught, Ronnie Bathsheba (one of Richard's best friends) found Ally sad, and decided that Richard must pay for harming Ally Jean.




  11. Richard Babbage

    With no trace of his origins, Richard Babbage stumbled upon a happening Los Santos. Coming from a family of filth, his father send him to a laboratory when he was 3 days old in exchange for 1 million dollars. He received the money, but lost his son. Birth name Meat Bhack, he fought his way in the lab, constantly facing challenges and experiments while experiencing his demise. He spent 7 years in the laboratory, before finally finding a way out. He managed to get ahold of a woman while in the lab, taking her hostage and stealing her weapon. He backed her into a corner, and eventually began to shoot every person in the lab. He ended off by killing the woman, and finding his family. He searched for 3 years before stumbling upon his father, a now rich and arrogant man. Taking one look at his father, he took a knife and stabbed him in the neck. 10 years of good fortune for his father was 10 years of filth for him.


    Meat Bhack went from city to city, scouring for woman to take, as he believes that it is the key to getting what he desire. Upon moving to Vice City, he found a woman named Sabrina Buckley. He took her, made her write an article about him and killed her. He then found his own mother when he was 17. His mother called him a bad boy. Enraged, he took his nails and ripped her throat out. This forever marked the moment by which being a good boy was crucial to Meat Bhack. Meat changed his name to Richard Babbage upon stumbling to Los Santos. With no evidence of his new name and his birth certificate gone, he found a new home. Focusing on eradicating women who reject him, Richard vowed to marry a beautiful woman someday.


    Richard found a man in a black suit. He thought it was a pretty woman due to the mans long hair, but it was a man. He took his suit and killed him. Now looking for more victims (potential wives), Richard stumbled upon Ally Jean, the Weazel employee. She was beautiful and he loved her. Deciding to marry her, he instantly proposed. She said no and the police came to the scene. Babbage punched people and ran off. The whole city searched for him. He was arrested for battery and locked away. Now he knows that Ally Jean was the prize all along.


    Prior to Ally Jean, Babbage took Emina Christine hostage. He thought they were getting married but held a hatchet to her throat. He stabbed her leg and was instantly disarmed my LSPD. Going to jail, he then found Audrey Martin, a Warden of the correctional facility. He attempted to marry her, but she said no. The Sheriff Deputies called him a bad boy, and he ripped Audrey's throat out. Now he lives to find someone to marry, and someone to befriend. Someone to call him a "good boy".

    • Who is the suggestion for?
      - MD
    • Why is the suggestion being made?
      - We have to report every time

    • What are the pros and/or cons of the suggestion?
      - Pros would be no time waste, no cons

    • How should the suggestion be implemented?
      - Once MD RP's bagging a body, we should have a remove body or something option cause we phone the coroner and bag it up. We currently have to do a /report 1 to remove the body.

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