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Posts posted by Adam_Kippling

  1. Date and time (provide timezone):  01/12/2024 CST

    Character name: Randy Lee

    Issue/bug you are reporting: DOC Gate 4 Not Functioning 

    Expected behavior:  It should open and shut with the /gate command and when you run the command near it, it does nothing

    Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: The gate (The one i attached photos of ) should operate when the command is run

    Vehicle license plate number*: N/A

    Gate 4 2.PNG

    Gate 4.PNG

  2. Never Comply, Never Die

    So there we were, all serving sentences, either for defending ourselves or defending our home. At least this time, the guards gave Dani an electric piano to help alleviate the boredom that the cell block can cause. Out of nowhere, a crazed gentleman came up and started trying to interject himself into every conversation, coming up with crazier and crazier stories. One minute, it's "I'm looking for my missing daughter," then it's "My daughter drugged me and left me on the side of the road." Then, out of nowhere, he claims he is a war hero but couldn't remember any details. Obviously, the man was mentally ill, so we decided to try to ignore him. All of a sudden, he came running by and yelled a slur at us, and that's when Melody gave us the nod, and Dani and I knew what to do. After a short pursuit of this man, we delivered some prison justice.


    Well, obviously, the prison was not too happy with our "Trial and Execution" of the man, so we had a decision to make: where were we going to make our final stand? That location was the laundry room because it only had one entrance and some handles that we could easily block.


    Ronin_Frey-1699257189809.thumb.jpg.842bfee4bfb97e6532c88335bb948ea4.jpgRonin_Frey-1699257025111.thumb.jpg.e9ca4cf5564772b35c5495c1c2b2417b.jpgDani and Maverick looked at each other and knew this was going to be our Alamo. We did everything to hold the line against the overwhelming force of the LSSD and LSPD, but eventually, they were able to shove a crowbar into the door, and they filled the laundry room with CS gas. Despite our mental fortitude and perseverance, we eventually succumbed to the gas and passed out.


    Maverick woke up alone in the Med Bay, cuffed to the bed, with a strange sheriff deputy looking him over for injuries. Maverick went into fight or flight mode and started reaching for the deputy's firearm, but he had no more fight or energy left in him. Eventually, he just succumbed to his fate and laid there, knowing that solitary confinement was his future home for the foreseeable future.

    Maverick sat in his cell, thinking back on all the deputies that had wronged him, and started to formulate a plan to start enacting his revenge.

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  3. The Pressure Cooker Builds Pressure


    Maverick was minding his own business, counting down the seconds until he would be out of the Department of Corrections. Finally, a guard came over, yelled his name, and the next thing he knew, he was standing in the front lobby, ringing the bell to retrieve his belongings. After a short conversation with a sheriff's deputy at the Department of Corrections, he was informed that he would have to go to Palito Bay's sheriff's station to collect his belongings. Maverick was without a radio, and he only knew one person's phone number, but their phone was off. Unfortunately, he set forth on an arduous hike up to Palito Bay.


    Once he arrived, he yelled and yelled, asking if anyone was working, so he could retrieve his coveted radio and get back in touch with his newly found family. After what felt like an hour, Maverick ran back to the sheriff's department to see a cruiser coming out of the gates. He yelled, "Hey, can you get my stuff, please? I've been waiting fo…" At that point, he was rudely interrupted by an assault rifle being pointed in his face, with the deputy yelling, "On your knees." Maverick was stunned. He didn't do anything this time, but he was being treated like a common criminal.


    So many questions flooded his mind: "Why am I being detained? Who is Detective Marks? Where's my new family?" But the only thing the deputy did to ease Maverick's mind was yell and handcuff him. At that point, Maverick decided to mess with the deputy and claimed that there was a radio hidden in a bush. He told the deputy that if he didn't check in every 5 minutes, Detective Mark was dead. Maverick enjoyed watching as the PD searched for a nonexistent radio. In the grand scheme of things, it wasn't a large win, but to Maverick at that moment, it felt as tall as the Eiffel Tower. To nobody's surprise, the sheriff deputy was eventually informed by Maverick that there was no radio, and Maverick had no idea what was going on. Even though the deputy was wearing a mask, you could tell that this pushed him over the edge. Maverick was brought into the police station with an SMG stuffed in his back and left in a cell handcuffed for hours. Maverick tried pleading with any deputy who would listen, but to no avail. Maverick was trapped in a cage, and the only thing he could do was sit there and stew in anger.


    Eventually, the original deputy came back and charged Maverick with battery on a government official, and Maverick actually began to serve a sentence. During his unjust capture, all he could do was think to himself, "If only this deputy felt what I felt like." That's when it hit Maverick: if this deputy liked throwing people in cages so much, it's time to throw him in a cage and see how he likes it.


    Soon, Maverick will get his revenge.

    UG Faction.PNG

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