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Posts posted by LucasMadrazo

  1. I was looking for a Golden .50, but someone told me I wasn't allowed to use mods;

    Someone else told me we were allowed to use Mods, So I'm not really sure where the server stands with this.

    But I would really like my Corsita to look like either a Lambo or a Ferrari; I don't see how that could make me have an advantage IG.

    Let me know if we can use mods and how to do it;

    Also link some good mods!

  2. Hello!

    I have recently been very active in the Community Suggestions section of the forums, and I see so many great suggestions that have been posted for a while now.

    The server's numbers have been declining, yes, they do get a wave of new players here and there to replace those old ones, but what if it wasn't replacing; what if it was adding onto the player base?

    That would make A. the server a lot more popular and successful player base wise and B. It would increase sales to the server and server owner.

    I believe that if some of these suggestions were implemented, a lot of players wouldn't have left. People used to love fishing and look how dead the fishing community is now.

    The fishing community has non-stop been asking for improvements on here and nothing has been done.

    So, I say that we should open a Community Suggestions Team that works hand in hand with the admins,

    I do not think that the admins should be a part of this team, but it should be a team of well-known individuals IG and on the forums, that are here to try and improve the server.

    These people will look through the Community Suggestions, comment on them basing their opinions and send it to the higher up Community Suggestions Team members, so they can make a decision on if they like it as well or not.

    If they do, they should take it to the attention of admins who can make such changes, meaning they should have easy access to speaking with these admins, which is something that I also think the server lacks. I've played on servers before, and it was really easy to get an admin to help you out or deal with a complaint on forums. They would even fix some peoples games through TeamViewer! That's a good admin community and honestly, I think that is lacking, NO HATE but It's just that I have seen a lot of really experienced RP'ers leave the server due to things like this. Eclipse could be amazing, with some of the best RPers of GTA history, but most of them already left. Maybe if things were fixed, some of them would come back, but I think to do so we need to form this team.

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