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Ryan Frey

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Posts posted by Ryan Frey

  1. image.png.f49f6008f49f91aa522520cb3607fe7b.png

    March 25th...

    The day was young... The group gathered supplies for the event. Pipes... Zip ties... Gunpowder... The video was already sent to the LSPD and would be sent over to Weazel News. They had the bomb prepared. Multiple members of the Underground assisted in it's assembly, and they would prepare to hit the heart of Los Santos. They prepared the makeshift bomb and left it there... The plan was to send a message. People might die... People might not... But the history of Los Santos would be changed forever.


    "We Are Coming."

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  2. AnHonestAttempttitle.png.3b6cdbcb17c0a8b1bdb424d089e2686f.png

    JT and Melody had just woken up and were hanging out at HQ talking about possible ideas for the future. Mel had the idea to go show JT LSD's HQ in hopes of it being a good idea for a future new HQ of they're own. Right after they left LSD's old headquarters they headed back towards their current HQ where they found a LSPD unit setup with spike strips all alone, this instantly got them both thinking? Mel looked over at JT after they drove past and asked "you got any guns in here" referring to JT's car they were in, He said "Hell yeah I got my pistol and my Shotty!" So they spun back around to get closer look at the situation. 


    Once they saw it was in fact only a single cop holding this spike setup they knew they had a chance of snagging those spikes! JT kept driving down the street to the old gas station across the street from LSD's old HQ where JT handed Melody his pistol and he pulled his shotgun out of his bag. JT then drove right up on the cop ready for the battle.


    JT and Melody both instantly hopped out with there firearms drawn at the officer, but the officer saw them drive by and was ready for this situation, he drew his police issued shotgun and the gun broke out immediately both the UG members and the officer started busting shots back and forth. The gun fight was intense and the officer managed to gun down Melody, but was not prepared for JT to have a shotgun as well.


    JT gunned the officer down and while being in the moment and panicking he tried to save his sister Melody instead of the spike strips, She yelled at him while he tried running towards her "GET SPIKES, LEAVE!" So, in that moment he turned around to grab the spikes and hop back into his car, but before he could even reach the spike strips more police were already there on the scene firing directly at JT. He tried to grab one of the spike strips but instantly got shot by the backup PD so he attempted to escape by getting into his car and leaving which is where PD got the last few shots in on him which had finished him off.


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  3. 5w4ZBSL.png


    The Underground found something in their HQ that was extremely stress-inducing... A bomb.

    They were confused as to who it could have been at first, but all signs pointed to only a few people. The red graffiti on the walls, the bomb on the ground, it was all pointing to something strange. Who would be so bold to enter their HQ to drop a bomb there?

    They questioned the motives. No one would really want to drop something so heavy there unless it was an ex cop or someone who loves them. The person claimed to be a "Vigilante" and they were already on the case of finding out who this person was.


    After Melody defused the strange looking explosive she handed the box off to JT which he wanted nothing to do with so he quickly and carefully set it down on the bench. Tom and Josh then arrived and were curious about the box and where it came from? So, Tom said he would go buy a fingerprint kit from the store to try and figure out who might have placed this weird box here.


    Once Tom arrived back with the kit, Josh and him instantly got to work trying to find out who's fingerprints might be on that box. While everyone sat in wonders on who this "Vigilante" might be? 


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  4. 7fEUY13.png

    Melody rang her brothers up to meet up as she had some things to talk about. She told them to meet at the parking garage just south of Mission Row where she had planned to meet with a couple of old friends interested in the re-spark of The Underground. The Frey family met up with Chad Rapkov and Treyton Moon to talk about them maybe joining the fight against the Government with Underground. Mel talked about how they came back for much different reasons this time and that they are here to stay and not only leave a mark but make history. They both seemed interested in getting back into some pink to help Underground conquer Los Santos. 


    Once Melody laid everything out for the two new recruits, she had them go get into some pink and get radios so they could communicate. Then the Frey family headed out as Melody had a new location to show the boys for a possible new home/headquarters. She had showed them a few other locations in the past few days but she said she found the one this time! They all pulled up to an old run-down motel just south of the Taxi company. The boys hopped out excited yelling “YO This the One!”. The boys loved this new location considering they came from sleeping under a bridge for so long a little abandoned motel was a huge upgrade in their eyes. They sat there for a while talking about all the different ideas for making the newly discovered motel their own. 


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  5. image.png.cc4afd582e3c9f2d741f8afa51b65bb2.png


    It was a slow and uneventful day for Underground, Rose, Naomi, Grace, and JT decided to meet at HQ to have a little meeting a discuss everything that has been going on in Underground recently, which wasn’t much at all... Majority of the Underground were either away with no confirmed return or their return wasn’t anytime soon. With that being said it left them four by themselves majority of the time. Naomi wanted to ask everyone how she felt about taking over Melody’s position as head leader since she hasn’t been around much, everyone agreed that it was a good idea. Naomi came up with a big plan to bring Underground back to its former glory to hopefully take down one of the Undergrounds most hateful enemies, Shenzen!? They had always hated this group and the hate has become bigger. Naomi devised a plan to call on every other gang in the city except Shenzen to have a meeting with all of their command members. She wanted to see if they would be on board with booting Shenzen out of the city for good. She got into contact with Salvation’s, GBK’s, Ace’s, Saints, Lost’s, and Irish’s leaders to plan a meeting with them all. Those next two days she got everything into order with a planned meeting date and location. A couple days later it was the big day! JT woke up to Naomi questioning him if he was ready for the big day or not? Which he was very excited for since he finally could meet all the different leaders that he never got the chance to meet yet. Naomi and Rose were already in Naomi’s new car waiting outside of JT’s apartment. Once JT hopped into the car Naomi took them right to the clothing store where she told the boys to get into something presentable, so they could look more professional for the meeting. After they all got dressed up for the meeting Naomi realized they were still way too early for the meeting, so Naomi took them up to Salvations hilltop hangout where they started planning the whole meeting so that nobody would become endangered. They planned out having 10 or so scouts to watch around the immediate area so that the leaders and commanders wouldn’t be messed with.  



    The Underground arrived at the hilltop and were greeted by Salvation where they discussed how they hoped the meeting should go and everyone’s ideas prior to the meeting. Salvation was in charge of the scouts, one of their members got all the scouts together on the same frequency. He ordered each different scout to their designated spot and a few to scope out the meeting area before any of the gangs were to show up. A few minutes of chatter past and Brody King’s Organization the Amarillo Ace’s show up as well at the hilltop where they were filled in on everything Underground and Salvation had discussed. Once all the scouts were in position and radioed the Okay to pull through everyone chose their own route to get to The Kortz Center.  



    Underground arrived and everyone arrived around the same time. The tension was definitely a little high as every gang hung close to their own and made little comments towards the other gangs. Once everyone was there Irish came out and said they were not comfortable with the meeting spot as it was a poor spot for the leaders to meet since it was a trafficked area. Out of respect everyone agreed and we chose a new meeting location farther up north near the Military Base. Everyone packed in their cars and headed to the newly picked location. Underground was just pulling down the dirt road as multiple people call out on radio that they started being chased by PD as soon as they pulled into the new location. Immediately every gang was ready to help those who were being chased and multiple members of different gangs including Underground went to a nearby side street and setup an ambush for the police, unluckily the boys who were being chased never made it to the ambush. A few minutes later it was confirmed that PD took down Irish in that chase and we no longer had contact with Irish’s leadership. Salvation got everyone on a new frequency and had informed everyone that we would be moving the meeting back to the original meet up spot the hilltop above the Vinewood sign since there wasn’t much traffic up there it was a safe enough spot to hold the meeting. Underground carefully drove up to the hilltop and met with everyone except Irish sadly, where they finally could start the meeting, they all had been waiting for. Naomi came out and started the meeting bluntly by saying “Well we all don’t like the Dragon’s, right?” everyone nodded and she went on to explain her personal stories she shares with various Shenzen members, all the other leaders came out and told their horrible stories about what Shenzen had done to them as well. They all laughed and agreed on the same ideas and belief’s that Shenzen should be no longer. At the end of the long-awaited meeting all the leaders and commanders removed their masks so everyone could finally meet and get acquainted with each other. They all exchanged phone numbers and names so they could contact each other in the future for hopefully potential business opportunities and new friendships! Once everyone headed out at the end of the meeting Underground stuck around for an extra minute to thank Salvation for all their help with setting this meeting up and getting everyone together especially since Underground definitely couldn’t have done it on their own. 


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  6. A Potential Dream


    It was a quiet day not many friends of JT were awake in the city.. JT still thought to himself that he would go out to see what's happening in the city! He took out his favorite muscle car the Dominator ASP, dressed in his casual Underground uniform and his black and pink car he started driving around the city aimlessly looking for something to do or any familiar faces. With no luck he headed down towards the Underground headquarters where he enjoyed a blunt or two. He realized there was an old car run down car wash around the block from the headquarters and he headed over there to check it out. There he set his car up for the perfect picture thinking to himself one day he will hopefully own this establishment and make it his own!

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