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Posts posted by neeko

  1. 58 minutes ago, Homast said:

    So, you don't actually want to have Mechanic RP if there's someone clocked on at Bayview, you'd rather just have the convenience of being able to auto repair at any given time.

    I don't know man.... Sounds to me like you oughtta be the change you want to see and apply to LSC or Bayview.
    I've been in the same situation where I've been angry that there was nobody to do Mech requests, but this is precisely the reason why the car pushing script was implemented.

    IC issue with a very simple IC solution.


    Respectfully, I don't understand what I'm reading here.   Yeah let me just pause the RP I want to do so that the server can have a functioning LSC?  I'm confused.  You also are implying I should push my car from deep in the city all the way to bayview?  Sick man I can scriptly push my car to bayview by the time GTA6 comes out.   This honestly just seems like a toxic reply man, kind of unnecessary.   

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  2. The past month there has been a GIGANTIC issue with getting your car repaired.  LSC / bayview are connected when it comes to automatic repairs, and if you need a repair in the city its impossible without going all the way out of your way to bayview to repair.   This is an issue now because there is a HUGE issue at LSC with recruitment or activity.   

    Please increase incentives to promote activity at LSC so we can get our cars repaired, or make it so if nobody is on duty at LSC then auto repairs at LSC are open.   This situation is getting pretty OD.  



    inb4 "well bayview needs rp too and if we make it automatic in the city people will just go there"   ...well yeah, i think most people just log out and wait until the next day.   Without realizing the next day there also will be no mechanics available and they will be in the perpetual loop and end up having to go out of your way 15-20 mins.   Spread out the workers, and have some activity in both areas please....I know its two diff businesses icly but something has to give because its a real ooc issue for players.   

    • NAY 1
  3. The interaction is 3 seconds at best, offers both sides minimal roleplay...and the amount of painstaking wait times we go through to get it out is ridiculous.   Talking about interactions, but we are robbed of 30000000 hrs of interactions cumulatively by waiting for cops to not show up for 45mins+ on avg.   

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  4. For the love of god, please make the impound lot automatic.   Cops are busy 99.99999% of the time and do not enjoy going to the impound lot to do 2 lines of rp and taking away from their time on the job.  This much is obvious because they never respond.   If you took the avg wait time for a car to get it out of impound it is absurd.   Half the time even with cops online you would wait HOURS...Hell, im even writing this as ive been waiting an hour right now myself.   

    People do not want to spend their nights sitting in a lot spamming /release every 5 minutes when they can be roleplaying on the server.

    Requirements for feature:
    - Display a list when somebody types /release that lists all impounded cars 
    - User then types in the car they'd like to release.
    - Timer counts down or just instant release this and automatically subtract funds.

    -suspended license?  simply run a check against their id.   if its suspended ,refuse the list to release a car

    There is no negative to this, if a cop says they enjoy this rp they are simply lying based upon the fact they all avoid this.  it's not worth us going through the pain any longer.   We are subtracting 2 lines of rp for millions of hours saved at this point

    put us out of our misery.

    thanks! ❤️ 

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  5. 3 hours ago, TripleE said:

    I personally find it quite bizarre that we as a community, even after establishing a full fledged functional court system, including a functional criminal court with a functional prosecution team, still ask individuals for OOC consent to be able to ICly take their criminal actions that they took towards a potential life sentence.

    Note: I agree to the fact that this is considered Alt-RP, and requires Senior Administrator+ approval simply to deter just anyone from even being ABLE to be prosecuted for a life sentence.

    Realistically, if someone commits multiple murders in real life and gets caught for it they get sentenced to life in prison. It makes no sense for serial killers, murderers and other die-hard criminals who are prominent in the community to keep killing people over and over and over to simply get away with it by just going to doc for 1 hour (as an example) and leaving simply after doing their time just to go and kill more people again and the cycle repeats. It is not realistic in the slightest. You are not El Chapo.

    Essentially, my character can never be safe if someone "hunts" him because the killer will always manage to get out of prison, the only way to get out of this cycle is for my character to be killed (NLR) which is way less realistic as prosecutors IRL dont get killed for prosecuting people (99% of the time).

    Recently, an individual within the community life sentenced their character after establishing them to be a serial killer and after LENGTHY and DEEP character progression and escalation as well as approval from Senior Admins+, stood on trial for the crimes they have committed and have been charged with a life sentence.

    To sum it up, in my opinion, I think if someone chooses to take their character that path and to do these things prominently and actively, they should be punished icly for their actions, I dont agree with the "asking for OOC permission" part of this type of RP, it makes no sense for someone to ask oocly to be able to hold them accountable icly for their actions, this type of RP can encourage creative, lengthy and detailed criminal RP too.

    Respectfully, this entire post is a suggestion to kill the server.   You cant RP a cop on a server without criminals, all your fun goes away when crims dont wanna do the insane grind that already carries INSANE risk with minimal reward in an uphill battle vs a strong ass PD / SD.   

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  6. Listen,  I am so +1 to this that I cannot even formulate words enough to express how much of an issue this is for crim RP at the moment.   I have experienced ALL of the above scenarios in the span of like 1 week and i've seen numerous times people calling cops after themselves either coming into the lab, picking plants, or being forced out with some criminal interaction.   I understand everyone is saying that there are things in place for this, well....Not enough then because the amount of times this is still happening is ASTOUNDING.     I've even interacted with SD About this oocly and theyve said "yeah thats kind of lame" as im sitting in the back of the sd Macho headed to doc.    They never once mentioned there already being rules in place, and clearly they have not heard of any.   One indicated to me that they assumed something was coming to take care of this happening, yet I have seen no improvement.   

    Until we get some sort of drug re work, static drug labs are a critical way for crims to make money.   It provides so much good interaction, yet its getting ruined by nonstop NRP raids.   So can we PLEASE do more than what we are currently doing because whatever is in place is not working out I assure you.

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