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Posts posted by Marshmeloh

  1. When it comes to chops, at very least if not return to the old prices, the toolbox should A) be more publicly accessible and B) should be a LOT cheaper than it currently is. To elaborate on what John Nut pointed out about the risk of loss simply not justifying the potential reward. No-one in their right mind is going to spend 150k + on a toolbox plus the 50k or so for car lift and hoist to chop cars for a 10-20k reward.

    If the reward for these activities is getting cut so damn drastically then the entry cost for all the things required should also be cut evenly

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  2. Although I think this could be somewhat interesting, the implementation would not have the results I think you're seeking. Since you already have the ability to RP hiding your ID and fail to provide ID. However if you have prints on record, or a phone. They can find out your name through either of those methods and suspend your license regardless. If we had a fakelicense, LEO would simply run the fake name in the MDC and find no match to you, or your vehicle and it will be no different from hiding your ID

  3. +1

    Anything over 100AP these days is honestly excessive. As the original poster stated, there was a time where I could see 150AP and 200AP being required, when cops were loot able and being killed regularly. However, crims these days aren't actively looking for fights with LEO's and for the majority of LEO-Crim fights crims don't take AP or Heavies, as it's usually a last resort.

    I think at very least, anything above 100AP should be reserved for specific scenarios where LEO's know ahead of time that it's an incredibly dangerous situation. And anything above 100AP should be RPed accordingly. As realistically 150AP and especially 200AP would be incredibly heavy military level plating, driving around with it and then hopping out and rolling into combat is a little silly.

    Alternatively, I'd love headshots to mean something. As 1 shot headshots would force LEO's to think tactically and be much more considerate when approaching shootouts. But I know 1 shot headshots will never be a thing. But from my experience, it seems dumb when I someone can take multiple shots to their head and continue fighting when they seemingly have no helmets or head protection.

    At very least, I would like to see regular patrol units using 50AP or less, and anything over 100AP should be reserved for very specific SED and SWAT situations.

    If we was to look at it from a realistic standpoint. In real life there are Kevlar ranges from Level 2 to Level 4. Level 2 I would say is 50AP as Level2 stops 9mm. Level 3A is what SWAT typically uses in real life and stops .357 Magnum, .44 Magnum and 12 Gauge so I would say Level 3A Kevlar is equal to 100AP. Level 3 and Level 3+ is rated to stop 7.62 and is almost never used by SWAT in real life due to the weight and clunkiness. And Level IV armor which is rated to stop 30-06 AP and . 338 Lapua Magnum is what I would say is equal to 200AP. Level IV armor is exclusively used by military personnel and isn't always used. As from experience I can tell you it weighs a ton and ain't no-one actively running around and hopping in and out of cars wearing it.

    So In conclusion, I believe 50AP is appropriate for regular patrol, 100AP is appropriate for the majority of SWAT/SED situations. 150/200AP should be reserved for Military situations.

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