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Posts posted by atw3ll

  1. Part 1: A new Beginning


    As he sat there, the pale moonlight washing over his new white clothes, Cleetus was deep in thought. He contemplated what brought him to this place, to this group of individuals unlike any others in the city.  He knew this is where he wanted to be, but would they accept him considering his past? Soon Cleetus would find out, waiting there seemed like an eternity, hearing hushed voices discussing his future, all he could think about was his past.

    Not the previous gang and all the issues that came with that, not the friends turned to distant acquaintances seemingly over night. He wasn't reliving his prison sentences, or months in the hospital recovering from gunshot wounds. As he closed his eyes he was seemingly transported to what now felt like a hazy memory of a life and family he would never see again.  




    Flashback to the farm: A simpler time, A simpler man

    Cleetus Johnson lived a simple life, he grew up on his grandparents farm, helping his grandfather whenever he could. Early in his life his parents were taken from this world, at this point they were but a distant memory and a handful of old photographs to Cleetus. As his grandfather grew older, Cleetus could tell the farm work was becoming too much for him. Less and less of the fields were planted in each coming year. Less animals filled the once lively stables. One thing was growing on the Johnson farm though, debt.


    Cleetus is a lot of things, but a farmer, a farmer was something Cleetus never considered himself. After a long talk with his grandfather by the fire one night, with a once full bottle of bourbon laying empty next to the pit, the Johnson's decided it was time for Cleetus to leave this small town and finally see some of the world. Cleetus had dreams of going to Los Santos, instantly becoming a wealthy man,
    driving back to the farm in a sports car, bag of money in hand to rid his grandfather of his debtors. Old man Johnson knew the truth though, and Cleetus would soon find out.


    Cleetus was not sent to the city in a desperate attempt to save the farm, he was sent there by his grandfather to spare him the pain of those final days. To save a young man who had lost so much already from witnessing first hand the inevitable final breathe of the last person close to him, and the bulldozers that would follow days later, clearing an entire families legacy to build a shopping  mall. Cleetus packed his bags, with that silly youthful optimism visible all over his face, waved goodbye to his grandfather and set out for the city. A single tear fell from the old mans eye that day, landing on the soil bellow. Unbeknownst to Cleetus, that was the last drop of water the dying farmland would receive under the Johnson name, and the last time that Cleetus would feel the embrace of the man who shaped him into the man he was today.



    Salvation Is Here

    Cleetus was abruptly brought back to the real word as he heard "Mr. Johnson?" in that unmistakable 'mom voice'. He inhaled deeply as he rose to his feet, wondering what the decision would be. "This lady is impossible to read" he thought to himself "how is she the sweetest person ever, and the scariest at the same time?". He looked into her eyes, sure that the gentle letdown was coming. He would understand. His flaws were many, and mistakes were countless. He wanted more than anything to turn his life around, to help people, to be near his dearest friend, to not have to wash blood off his cloths every night. Did they believe he was sincere though? Did he convince them that in his heart this was truly what he wanted, no, needed in his life? "I want you to come with me and meet a few people Cleetus" she said, a slight smile briefly appearing on her face. Cleetus sighed with relief, his life was never going to be the same again, this time for the better. For Cleetus Johnson, Salvation is finally here.



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