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Bert Martin

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Posts posted by Bert Martin

  1. 4 hours ago, Skatz said:

    It seems that it's not widely known, but you don't need to be in first person to view what's your altitude. It's already implemented by the game itself.

    Each bar in the HUD is an increment by 1000ft. If you want to know your altitude by thousands and hundreds, only then you'll have to go in first person.


    Yes there's probably many that don't know about this and I thank you for brining it up in that case, however it does not achieve what is needed when it comes to proper airspace utilization and communications due to it's lack of granularity. Furthermore, when the aircraft performs any banking maneuver (or even subtle rocking during relatively stable flight) the bar swings quite wildly, making it hard to read.

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  2. Resurfacing a topic that’s come up before, it would be great if there was a digital altitude indicator on the UI/HUD when flying an aircraft.

    When this was first suggested it likely only applied to SD/PD/MD pilots which were rather limited. With civilian aircraft now being a thing through SAAA, and an important part of their guidelines being around maintaining proper altitude for the airspace you’re in, having a digital altimeter displayed on the HUD would be extremely helpful and I’d argue is just as important for aircraft as having a speedometer is for cars. 

    I believe the original post even contained a suggestion on how to implement it: 


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