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Posts posted by -Chubs

  1. Missed Opportunities?

    Matt woke up in his Weazel Plaza apartment and had one thing on his mind- business. Luckily, his Salvation family had the same idea. Almost immediately after checking his radio, he was made aware of a deal going on at Grove Street, with the Ballas. He was to get there as soon as possible, and meet with [REDACTED] to place a shipment for Lysergic Acid, so Salvation can keep cooking. After selling what drugs they had which were ready to sell, the order was placed.




    After changing his clothes and cars, Matt and a few other members of Salvation drove to the drop-off location to pick up their shipment. While waiting, a crate was delivered to their location. Assuming it was one of theirs, [REDACTED] went to pick up the crate, and was almost immediately swarmed by members of the Irish, who were looking for their own shipment. [REDACTED], partially out of the fear of hurting diplomatic relations with the Irish, and partially out of respect for the Salvation code, handed the Irish their shipment without hesitation, and both parties went about their day. Not too long after, Matt was camped out in a Rebla, still awaiting their drop, found another crate on the ground. Yet again, assuming it was one of theirs, Matt and his colleagues rushed to pick it up and get it out of there. There was just one issue, however, only one crate arrived at the shipment, and they were expecting more. Suddenly, a Bifta with one occupant pulled up. “I’m assuming this belongs to you,” Matt said with a smile, pointing at the crate which had just arrived. The driver of the Bifta said yes, and immediately, his crate was handed to him. 




    Some may question the decision to hand these crates back to their rightful owners, but to Matt, it just made sense. Salvation isn’t your typical gang which looks to rob and kill anyone standing in their way, Salvation is looking to make Los Santos a better place for the people who inhabit it, from the fishermen at the pier, to the garbagemen of the city. These hard working citizens should know that Salvation is working for them, not against them. 

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  2. Matt Lewis

    Matt Lewis arrived in Los Santos to redeem himself after a failed attempt to become an illegal street racer in Liberty City. Arriving without a penny in his pocket, or any knowledge of the city at all, he walked to the city from the airport, looking for things to do and people to meet. Stopping at a convenience store to buy himself a bottle of water and a snack, he noticed that the clerk also sold lock picks, which he made sure to pick up, just in case. After walking a few blocks from the store, Matt stumbled into an abandoned Warrener, and in desperation, he began to lockpick it. He managed to pick the lock with his first lockpick, and hotwire the car. After driving it a few blocks to make sure no one was following him, he checked the glovebox, to find a pistol .50. Matt Lewis’ life of crime has officially begun.

        After a few days of lockpicking cars to loot them, Matt hasn’t really met anyone in the city yet, so he decided to call a taxi, and asked the driver to take him to a place where people hang out. Of course, that place was the pier. Having looted a fishing rod from a Rebla a few hours before, he walked near a large group of people and began fishing, chiming into conversations here and there. Not long after his arrival, a man named Micah Ellis spotted someone lockpicking a car. He and his friends sprung into action, and proceeded to threaten the man lockpicking the car, forcing him to run away, and threatening him if he were to ever try stealing a car again. This experience sparked a feeling of happiness in Matt, and it was from this moment on that he decided he would no longer steal cars and loot them, but rather help the citizens of Los Santos instead. 

        Conveniently, it was at this moment that Matt met two men named
    Randal Landers, and Jason, aka Dallas, who were members of Salvation. They told him that they were in an organization which seeks to protect the people of Los Santos from people who wish to prey on the innocent, hard working civilians. After a few weeks of spending time with Jason, Randal, and the rest of Salvation, Matt approached Jason, and expressed his interest in joining the organization. Jason welcomed him in immediately with open arms, and Matt was immediately made an initiate of Salvation. It was at this moment that his life finally changed for the better.


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