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About Viiperz

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  1. I'll have whatever you're smoking!
  2. I don't usually respond to any of these but I feel it's important to set one thing straight as far as "pagers" are concerned. Speaking solely from PD's side our "pager" will ping a total of less than 20 people. All of these people are also spread across various time zones, as is the main player-base. I understand that many players are feeling a "divide" or whatever label you want to slap on it, but let's at least make sure that we're getting the facts correct beforehand. An echo-chamber of hearsay and misinformation does nothing but undermine your main goals. TL:DR - no leo faction pings 100 people to log on to shoot.
  3. Hello! Please edit your post to meet the requirements listed here:
  4. Hello, thank you for the request. These requests are usually done in batches so please be patient while a staff member gets to it! Also, I would suggest providing a secondary name in-case the first one is taken.
  5. -1, but for a couple of reasons. For starters I'll address my main issues with the tunnel system and the clip that everyone has probably seen by now: https://streamable.com/mo676s This clip is from myself, a member of the LSPD faction, and quite frankly the fact that anyone can just be shot down and scriptly injured before they even know they're being shot at is ridiculous. If you watch the footage closely you will see that not only do you not hear a single shot until I'm down and everything re-syncs, but that my health bar also appears full until the final shot is taken. Now, before the "this was a buff to PD and isn't fair comments start" I'd also like to share another piece of footage from that pursuit that should make people see this in a different light: https://streamable.com/hqftpv In this clip, while the driver of the Jugular is able to see the tunnels correctly, all I am able to see is the evading vehicle. At this point, I could have used the bug to my advantage and gave accurate callouts on the direction of travel thus ensuring successful apprehension of the suspect vehicle. Now, both of the issue demonstrated can work both ways and in my opinion, use of the tunnels should be seen as borderline bug abuse - because of the issues demonstrated above. As for reducing the size of AIR-1's fuel tank, I'm not really sure what to tell you other than is is very much possibly to lose a helicopter without resorting to the tunnels. This is something that I myself and countless other before and after will continue to do on a near daily basis. There are an absolute multitude of factors that come into play when you are trying to successfully evade. I'd recommend maybe taking a different approach or getting more creative with the ways you are attempting your escape, it can be done.
  6. I personally feel that this comment does in fact contradict its self, your main complaint is PD/SD treating the area as an active crime scene. While I have my own opinions on that, I don't just want this thread to turn into an echo chamber. Regardless of whether any LEO entity is there to either investigate the cause of the fire/explosion OR to secure a perimeter, by attempting to enter the apartment complex you are liable to be charged with failure to comply as it's highly unlikely that you'd have gotten in, if PD/SD were there to follow you to the floor you went to, that means you made the conscious decision to run past them and the outcome will still be same, no matter how the situation is addressed. Now this is where it gets a tad sticky for me, personally I would view this action as a violation of Fear RP. The first line of the rule clearly states the following: 13. Fear Roleplay (FRP) Fear RP is showing appropriate care and concern to preserve your character's safety and life. Now, after knowing ICly that the person on that other side of the door is deceased, attempting to make the conscious effort to gain entry to said apartment doesn't show neither appropriate care or concern for the safety of your character. Yes you can scriptly wear a hazmat suit in order to avoid being damaged by the fumes, however there is no real world scenario where I can see any individual choosing to enter not only a burning building, but also the site of an explosion for the sake of recovering some equipment. This is an opinion from a member of the LSPD faction, and while I agree that healthy discussion should be promoted and take place, I'm struggling to see what exactly it is your trying to achieve.
  7. If ever there was a faction that deserved Official, its you lot. Keep on doing what you're doing boys and girls! Lotta love for the homies
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