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About Sweetcheeks1766

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  1. umm you replied to my new appeal with my previous denial of my other appeal, whats this supposed to mean

    1. Sweetcheeks1766


      please can you help me 


    2. Sweetcheeks1766


      never mind, I miss read the denial 


  2. I had my unban appeal was denied and it said I could write something to try and change your mind, so do I write another ban appeal or something different


  3. Okay I understand my appeal was rejected but you said to write another appeal, how would that work I'm just gonna write the same thing, basically I'm never gonna be unbanned, that's what your saying  

  4. how long does it normally take for for a ban appeal to get reviewed and accepted or declined, also will I get notification on the forums or will I get a Email

  5. whats happening with my account 


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