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Puzzling last won the day on May 27 2023

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  1. I've made multiple millions from criminal RP and never once got my house/property raided or arrested (minus a reckless op or two) To be fair, I don't touch guns so I don't get seen with shotguns and aks while randomly driving around but that's just part of it I guess.
  2. Is there a way we can be told the exact car despawn timer for vehicles that are owned by players who logged out? I hear 2 hours, I hear 4 hours. I just want a concrete number or way the timer resets. Does getting in the vehicle and getting out right away reset the timer for the amount of time? Is there a reason this is still in the game now that chopping is more prevalent? Shouldn't it be up to the players to park the cars they own instead of leaving them out on the street, I doubt it has that much of a performance issue, im sure most people park.
  3. It would be nice if this was automatically done since we do turn off the fare for off-duty members as well, but this allows people to introduce each other while off duty if someone doesn't know someone.
  4. This, it is up to us the players to make sure nothing is clipping and nothing is messed up. same with the clothes that are bugged, just don't wear them.
  5. How it currently works: Everyone that isn't the driver pays a fare when they get out of the taxi How it SHOULD work: Everyone who isn't currently on duty should pay the fare, DCC members who are clocked in shouldn't ever pay a fare because they are working. Possible solution: Run a quick check on the people getting out of the car and if they are on duty for DCC, simple do not charge them, if they are not on duty for DCC, charge them Reason: We have Buddy Wednesdays and Buddy Sundays where people do ridealongs or even for training, and if you run up the fare and get out of the taxi before the driver because that cancels the fare, you end up paying a lot of money with zero way of getting it back (despite it going into the treasury?) really cool and neat feature!
  6. +1 also make a better UI for vending machines so we can buy multiples, honestly might as well add burger shot as well so people don't have to burger.burger.burger.burger.burger.burger.burger.burger.burger.burger.burger.burger.burger.burger.burger.burger.burger.burger.fries.soda for a large order from like DCC or Weazel whenever they come in
  7. Simply add a timer or something where you have to wait for a cart to be ready, realistically this should just be something used for RP and traveling and such and not a means to evade.
  8. Simply add a cool boat and balance it! More boats > +1
  9. This is still a bug. When people are in the taxi, the driver's current fare price [$0] is always at zero, the passengers get updated with the command /taxidrivers Scottie_Keeton was the driver and I was the passengers, so it should show a fare for Scottie but not myself, Elias.
  10. Puzzling


  11. +1, but make a confirm menu and let them know otherwise people are going to pull salary thinking it is normal and there will just be a bunch of report glitches like "omg less money" because lets be real I would do the same thing without reading lol I think all banks should be 24/7, especially with people being able to play limited times
  12. Or even half way through once the security company gets back from their coffee break they look at see the man smacking it and then they alert the PD!
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